Sunday, March 15, 2009

I set four mouse traps in the garage after finding hints all over the car and garage that they had been roaming and foraging. A lot. I have my fail-proof method of catching mice: put smoky Muenster cheese on top of peanut butter on the trap of a good-old-fashioned mouse trap. The mouse can't steal away with the cheese because the peanut butter is kind of like glue. I put the four traps out yesterday and haven't had one bite yet. I think it's because I failed to get smoky Muenster cheese. I just had regular Muenster cheese that has a pretty mild smell. Still, it ought to have some draw, since there isn't really a whole lot else in the garage that would be as appealing as peanut butter and cheese. At Christmas time, the mice or mouse got into the trunk of my car and into a peanut butter cup wrapped up in its paper covering. There were tiny little teeth marks in a couple of them. I had purchased a bag of about eight, to be distributed among the household members for the usual Christmas go-round, which met with tragic consequences. I thought having a cat around would do the trick. I sent her out to the garage about once a week to pry into the corners and sniff around. Next thing I know, three months later, the mice or mouse had made its way through the car, through the car trash bag, and around where the drinks go in between the front seats. I spent about an hour cleaning the car out as well as I could Wednesday night. De-mousing the garage isn't going to be as easy as I thought it would. On the other hand, perhaps the mice de-moused themselves from my garage, since the weather is finally getting warmer. If I were a mouse, I guess I'd rather spend winter inside a dull 52-degree garage than the vast iceland, and, in early spring, outside in the 52-degree great outdoors.


Mr. Chinchilla said...

I'm sorry you had to clean the poop. The foolproof option is keeping a cat in the garage full-time. I don't know many cats that would go for this, though.

Read Me said...

If you were a cat instead of a chinchilla, would you develop an intense dislike for Owen for locking you up in the garage?

Read Me said...

Seek revenge wherever possible?

Mr. Chinchilla said...

I can't deal with getting locked up in a garage as a chinchilla.

I'm trying not to be too much into the revenge this year. It's one of my unpublished resolutions.

cat said...

My sympathies. I periodically find little shreds of food or candy wrappers in my car in the garage, as well. Dang critters. And my cat is ridiculous. I have witnessed her lying on my bed next to me, both of us watching a mouse scamper across my bedroom floor, and neither of us moving much more than our eyes to follow it. Now a bat, on the other hand, clicky clicky click and my cat's all over that little furry thing.

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