Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, April 14

Once in a while in the mornings it takes effort to get past that groggy, lazy space that originates in my brain and emanates like a hazy fog that lingers over the rest of my body. Maybe it's Monday Syndrome; maybe it was partly because of the sunburn that seemed to have taken a toll on my skin. I got a sunburn on the tops and backs of my ears, which I think is a first for me. I don't sunburn easily, but I felt like I'd come back from the beach today, worn out, sizzled and edgy. I saw about 20 people today and only one commented that I had been out in the sun; about the same kind of probability I'd face if I had just gotten a haircut or third ear-piercing. I recognize there is a big difference between noticing a haircut and commenting about the haircut ... but I don't think anybody would notice if I got a third ear-piercing. I don't think anybody ever noticed or commented that I have two. Or one, for that matter (thinking back to when I was 10). Really, people can be so self-absorbed. I blame it on the fashion magazines. In effort to widen my perspective and take the edge off the Monday, I picked up some reading material today --- a newspaper and a fashion magazine. Tomorrow I'll be In Style, after I read my latest issue of In Style from cover to cover. By the way, I don't think it's In Style anymore to have three ear piercings on one ear.

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