Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tantrums and Mood Swings

I took another walk in the neighborhood and neither saw nor heard any of the canine persuasion this evening.
I fed the cat raw chicken last night, while I was preparing dinner at approximately 6 p.m., and tonight she harassed me the whole hour I was making dinner. Meow. No, I don't have any more chicken. Meow. No, I don't have any more chicken. Meow. Sorry, kitty. Meow. No more raw chicken. Meow. Nothing to offer but dry food. That didn't suit her at all. When dinner was finally ready, I sat down to eat it, and she suddenly figured out that the only available feast was the dry food sitting in her bowl. Now she's ignoring me. I'm her favorite when I give her meat.
I'm moving back into equilibrium again. I feel more myself today. I wasn't myself at work on Friday. I'm usually even-keeled, even-tempered, unaffected, amused and pleasant. I was not that person on Friday. It's really not like me to be suddenly moody, it's really not. I promise myself it's not.
Something happened to give me a jolt to make me feel that way, and I felt out of control of my mood. It is a bit of madness, but, thankfully, it only happens once in a great, great while. Maybe it's one of those remnants left over from childhood, when we let circumstances get the best of our emotions.


The Film Geek said...

I'm curious if the moodiness you describe is notice by others around you. You seem highly reflective to me, and I always sorta presume those who are very introspective are keenly aware of their feelings, even while they appear normal (as in how they behave everyday) to co-workers.


Read Me said...

Actually I did get some feedback. I apologized to one of my co-workers, saying I was sorry if I seemed "out of sorts," or "different," or something like that, and she said, "you did seem more quiet than usual." Another co-worker said he could sense negative vibes all around when I had to face this person I did not want to face. He noticed I refused to look her in the eye. He's extremely sensitive. He already knows part of the story, though.