Monday, September 22, 2008

More Boring Dog Stuff

My tail end is much better today, thank you. Still a little sore in one corner, and still colorful as ever where the dog's teeth crushed my flesh, but it feels good to feel better.
The owner of the dog who said she'd call back with the name of the homeowner's policy didn't call back, of course. Someone told me there was a story in the newspaper yesterday about someone's beloved pet dog getting run over and killed by a car in my neighborhood. It wasn't the dog that bit me. If I had a dog, I'd have a fence, and I'd keep that dog behind the fence, unless we were going for a walk, and then it would be confined to a leash.
I went for a walk yesterday, the first one I've taken in the neighborhood since the dog bite incident (I had company this time, and my friend had a rock). We went by one house with a dog in the yard, and it barked viciously at us (a doberman pinscher, I think), and tried to get to us by reaching to the top of the fence, but it wasn't able to leap over the fence to try to eat us.
I did not want to walk by the house of the dog that bit me, even though I haven't seen any dogs wandering out there since I was attacked.

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