Thursday, August 27, 2009


Yesterday I found out that the word of the day was "platitude." I'd seen and heard the word lots of times and thought it meant some metaphorical level of elevation, similar to a metaphorical plateau, and just imagined that it was a derivative of the word "plateau." I was glad to learn about what it actually means. Trite. Weak. Commonplace. Well-worn phrases and irritating cliches. I'm glad there's a word for it, and I was amused and intrigued by the notion that there is another word for trite and cliche. I decided I really like that word and how it is suggestive of ridicule of the quality of being unoriginal. But now I detect a sense of snobbery in it. Anyway, ever since yesterday (well, really all my life) I've been compelled to avoid the drudgery of the predictable, routine, unoriginal frame of mind. That doesn't mean I think I've succeeded. But why doesn't everyone feel that way?

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