Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Last week, someone told me that if you think a certain thought often enough, the forces of the universe respond and provide you with what you have been thinking about -- she thinks the power of thought has an energy of its own. Her example of something that had just happened to illustrate that concept was how I told her that I had heard someone last week on the radio mention deviled eggs, which made me realize I wanted some. The following day she brought them in to work for everyone, with no traceable connection to my thought or what had been mentioned on the radio.
A few days later, I watched the movie "American Psycho." After watching the movie, I watched part of the special features that talked about Brett Easton Ellis, who wrote the book that the movie is based upon. I learned he also wrote the book that the movie "Less Than Zero" was based on. The following day I started reading a book, "A Million Little Pieces," that I picked up from a yard sale two weekends ago. On the back of the "A Million Little Pieces" is a quote from Brett Easton Ellis giving his compliments about the story.
And if that weren't strange enough ... that same day (last Saturday), I decided I wanted to check the TV listing to see if a movie, 1408, would be on. I had been wanting to see it for a month or two, trying to catch it on one of its airings on The Movie Channel, and wondered if it would be on sometime Saturday, when I had free reign of the television (which hardly ever happens) ... and anyway (can't you see, I'm just bursting with coincidences at the moment and I can hardly contain myself) ... I sat down on the couch, turned the TV to the movie channel, and the very movie I wanted to see had just started three minutes earlier.
Another coincidence happened today, with me thinking about the status of a class action settlement that's been ongoing for at least two years. I checked the Web site today to read about the status, which I hadn't done in at least six months, and someone walked over to me and asked if I had learned anything new about it recently.
I could talk about coincidences every day.

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